The other day my management asked me about my view on what a software development team would look like to face the challenges imposed by the current trends like for example digital transformation, the digital customer experience, SMAC, Big Data & cloud computing, to which I like to refer to with the term “the third platform technologies” . When thinking about the engineering skills and capabilities my team would require to successfully face these challenges, I could list all existing ones and a few new ones. With this approach I would assure myself I have the complete software engineering body of knowledge readily available in my team and this would enable the team to successfully address any challenge during the delivery of a solution. However if I would move this forward, I would eventually end up with a team of such a considerable size, I highly doubt my business sponsor would provide me the funds required to assemble such a team. Also the size of the team would al...
This is a personal professional notebook. In this blog I collect references to information on the Web which were in some way or another at some point in time interesting in my daily work as solution architect. I would like to emphasize this blog and its content depict a personal point of view.